
Here are some links to other websites which may prove of interest to collectors and those studying the Channel Islands:

Brecqhou Stamps Issuers of Brecqhou Stamps.
British Library Philatelic Collections The British Library Philatelic Collections are the National Philatelic Collections of the United Kingdom. The Collections were established in 1891 with the bequest of the Tapling Collection, and now about 50 important collections or Archives are held, all of which have been acquired by donation, bequest, or transfer from Government departments.
Channel Islands and the Great War Promoting the understanding and knowledge of the impact of the Great War on the Channel Islands and their people.
Festung Guernsey Dedicated to preserving Guernsey′s German Fortifications.
Forces Postal history Society (FPHS)FPHS Journal website available to CISS members free of charge at: The Guernsey Postal Authority & The Alderney Postal Authority. L′histoire postale des îles anglo-normandes (en français). The Jersey Postal Authority.
Revenue Society Founded to promote the research and display of revenue stamps and associated documents.
Société Jersiaise The Société Jersiaise was founded in 1873 for the study of Jersey archaeology, history, natural history, the ancient language and the conservation of the environment.
Stamp Links The best stamp collecting websites on the internet.
Frank Falla ArchiveWebsite of the most important resistance archives to ever come out of the Channel Islands.