Mail to and from the German troops on the Islands was sent through the German Feldpost system, with a Feldpost Office on Guernsey and another one on Jersey. German soldiers were allowed to send mail free of charge.
Islanders could also use this service to write to friends in occupied territories such as France. For this service, only German stamps could be used. The postage rate for letters was 25 pf. These were cancelled with a standard German Feldpost postmark. Channel Islands stamps were not valid for this service.
This cover was sent from Jersey to Denmark. The only indication that this cover is from the Channel Islands would be the sender’s address either on the front or the reverse of the envelope. The German Feldpost postmark does not include the words ‘JERSEY’ or ‘GUERNSEY’. Most of these covers were censored en route. This cover was routed via Hamburg where it was censored. The German censor tape can be seen on the left. Mail to France was usually censored in Paris
Similarly, covers from France and Germany into the Islands are very collectable.
A word of caution: covers are known with both Channel Islands and German stamps on; these are philatelic, and as such are of little value.