CISS members’ display at the Royal Philatelic Society London on Thursday, 9 January 2025 to celebrate the society’s 75th anniversary

Nineteen displays by members filled the 54 frames at the Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) on Thursday, 9 January 2025. Exhibits ranged from early Forwarding Agents, Ship Letter Mail, Sub-Post Offices, Smaller Channel Islands, the German Occupation, 3rd Anniversary of Channel Islands Liberation, Postal Independence and four frames of postcards, to name but a few. Comments received from members of the RPSL and CISS members attending the exhibition included “…amazed at the depth of material on display”, “An amazing display”, “Such a superb display” and, “…you have raised the profile of the CISS with the quality of material on display”. The exhibition booklet also came in for praise as to its content and quality; a copy of which each member of the CISS will receive in due course.

A buffet and drinks reception followed in the evening at which James Podger FRPSL gave the” “Vote of Thanks”, and the newly elected President of the RPSL, Simon Richards FRPSL, gave a special thank you to CISS President, David Laurillard for the society’s efforts in putting on such a wonderful display of material. He then presented each member who provided exhibits with a “Certificate of appreciation”.

James Podger FRPSL giving the “Vote of Thanks” to CISS members present at the awards ceremony
CISS President, David Laurillard with the President of the RPSL, Simon Richards FRPSL
CISS Members at the presentation of certificates by Simon Richards, President RPSL

All photographs by courtesy of the Royal Philatelic Society London

Member’s Meeting at the Royal Philatelic Society London on Saturday, 30 November 2024.

The meeting will commence at 11.00am with a 50-lot room auction followed by members’ displays of exhibits that will be shown at the CISS 75th Anniversary Event that will be held at the RPSL during January 2025. Please can I remind members who wish to bring material for display on the 30 November to bring only ONE display of 16 or 32 sheets.

The afternoon session, commencing at 14.00GMT, will comprise of two members showing one of their exhibits to members via Zoom. Gerald Marriner will be showing Jersey Postage Due Instructional Marks, and Alan Moorcroft will be showing The 1940 Evacuation of the Channel Islands. It is anticipated that each display will last approximately 20 – 30 minutes. Zoom login details are shown below.

Zoom meeting ID: 892 3949 0310 Passcode: CISS30! or the link below.

Remember, if you do not have the Zoom app on you computer/tablet you will need to upload it onto your device to access the meeting.

September 2024 Member’s Meeting at the RPSL

Sixteen members and two guests attended the CISS Member’s Meeting at the Royal Philatelic Society London on Saturday, 14 September. The day’s programme commenced with the traditional room auction seeing 66 lots going under the hammer. Although only 28 lots were sold, prices realised were at reserve or well above asking price. In all £495 was realised, with the highest price attained was for a Jersey (June 1945) Passive Resistance Acknowledgement letter from the States of Jersey which realised £65, against a reserve of £3.00!

The theme for members’ displays was anything relating to “Letters W, X, Y and/or Z”, with many varying interpretations of the letters on show. In all nine members provided displays for members to enjoy with the majority centred on material that covered the Channel Islands and WW1 and WW2, and a very rare Jersey ship letter handstamp on an item of mail from West Africa bound for London, that was routed via Jersey. The nine members providing displays were as follows: Jon Aitchison, Richard Flemming, Roger Harris, David Laurillard, Gerald Marriner, Alan Moorcroft, Nick Stuart, John Triggs and David Winnie.

David Winnie presenting his interesting four-frame display of Guernsey Regionals

New CISS members for 2024

A warm welcome to the following members have joined the Society since the beginning of 2024:

Peter OReilly – Middlesex

Bryan Pill – Guernsey

Benjamin Miller – Suffolk

Steve Norman – Warwickshire

Harold Ford – Georgia, USA

Lee Quinn – Hertfordshire

Anthony Ward – Lancashire

Malcolm Ashton – Suffolk

Richard Cornick – Jersey

Bernard Lowry – Shropshire

Paul Ferbrache – Guernsey

The German Occupation of the Channel Islands 1940 – 1945 by Ron Brown reduced in price by 25%.

The CISS Full Committee has agreed to reduce the price of Ron Brown’s book The German Occupation of the Channel Islands 1940 – 1945 from £20.00 to £15.00 inclusive of UK/CI post and package. For further information on this book, or any of the other publications in the Society’s book stock, please visit the ‘Publications’ page of the website.

Amendments to Society’s Rules approved at the 74th Annual General Meeting

With the recommendation of the Executive Committee, I wish to inform Members that the amendments to the Society’s Rules (as published on the Society’s website 21 June 2024) were approved at the 74th Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 6 July 2024. The updated Society’s Rules can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Membership’ link in the toolbar and opening ‘Society’s Rules’.

Richard Flemming, Secretary