Notice is hereby given that our 2024 Annual General Meeting will be  held on Saturday 6 July 2024 at the Royal Philatelic Society London, commencing at 14.00 BST, and via Zoom.

All documents for the AGM can be found below.

If joining the AGM via Zoom please see the login details at the end of the Agenda. The Zoom meeting will be available for you to login from 13.45 BST.

AGM Agenda 2024

AGM Officer’s Reports for 2024

2023 Accounts

AGM Amendment to Rules for 2024

AGM Full Committee Nominees 2024

Zoom Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 829 2140 8585
Passcode: %CISS7

Extra Member’s Meeting RPSL on Saturday, 20th April 2024 starting at 10.30am

For those CISS members intending to travel to London on Saturday, 20th April 2024 for the Member’s Meeting at the RPSL please note that the meeting will be starting at 10.30am instead of the usual 11.00am start time. Tea and coffee will be available from 10.00am. As there are 700+ lots in the room/postal auction this will give members attending in person the opportunity to view the items before the auction commences at 11.00am sharp. It is anticipated that the auction will be completed by 1.00pm. If any member wants to bring a display along for the afternoon session the theme is “Transport”. Small, 16 or 32 sheet displays preferable.

If there is any rail strike action on the day I will try and let you know as soon as possible.

2024 Competition Entrants receiving certificates from C.I.S.S. President, David Laurillard

Four of the C.I.S.S. members, who entered the 2024 Annual Competition Day, were present to receive their certificates from C.I.S.S. President, David Laurillard at the Royal Philatelic Society London on Saturday 10th February.

In all, there were eight entries for the 2024 Competition Day and these can be seen by clicking on “Competitions” and opening the “Annual Competition 2024” section. To view each individual display please click on the sheet shown for each of the eight entries.

David Winnie
Richard Flemming
Julian Bagwell
Bryan Elliston

Photos taken by Richard Flemming or Mark Bailey


Congratulations also go to the following members who have achieved significant milestones in their membership of the Channel Islands Specialists’ Society:

Bryan Elliston and Thomas Cowley on achieving 30 years continuous membership.

Paul Balshaw, Peter Cornish, Rodney Beale-Broughton and Steve Wells on achieving 50 years C.I.S.S. membership.

Thank you all for your loyal support and friendship.

ADVANCED NOTICE: Channel Islands Specialists’ Society 75th Anniversary display at the Royal Philatelic Society London, at 15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW on Thursday, 9th January 2025 at 1.00pm.

Dear Member

It is with much pleasure that, in recognition of our Society’s 75th Anniversary celebrations in 2025, the President of the RPSL, Mike Roberts FRPSL has invited us to provide a major display to the Fellows, Members and guests of the Royal on the above date and time. We have been delighted to accept this invitation and the purpose of this note is to provide you with further information together with an invitation to participate.

1. We displayed at the Royal for the Society’s 50th and 60th Anniversary but on this occasion, there are many more frames available for use and therefore we would like to encourage as many members as possible to join us on this auspicious occasion. There are 54 frames to fill with each frame holding 16 sheets.

2. Should you wish to take part and provide a display, may I ask you please at this early stage, to send Richard Flemming by email at secretary@ciss.uk the title of your display by the very latest the 10th March 2024. If you wish to offer more than one display, please do so up to a maximum of three.

3. Each frame should consist of a different topic and further details of suggested topic areas are available in the document shown by clicking on the box below:

75th Anniversary Display Topics

4. By so doing, this will afford us the opportunity to choose material which will provide as varied an afternoon as possible. We hope that all types of philatelic material will be represented, and a panel will choose the displays from the submissions. We do hope to invite at least one exhibit from each member who wishes to display.

5. We plan to notify acceptances to members as soon as practicable but hopefully before the 20th May 2024.

6. If your exhibit(s) is/are selected, you will be requested to provide a brief description of your material of around 250-300 words, together with a colour scan of either two or three stamps or one cover for inclusion in the brochure which we must provide for the RPSL members. Further details on how this is to be done together with timings will follow in due course.

7. Each member of the CISS will also receive a copy of the brochure.

8. The RPSL does not provide Insurance cover for exhibits; therefore, any insurance risk will be the responsibility of the member.

The Executive Committee look forward to hearing from you and should you have any questions, please feed them through Richard or me. We shall keep you informed of our progress.

With best regards,

David Winnie FRPSL
Channel Islands Specialists’ Society


Dear C.I.S.S. Member,

It was with great disappointment to be recently advised by the Milford Hall Hotel that our 2024 Member’s Weekend Meeting at Salisbury had to be cancelled at short notice due to substantial over – running of building work. I do hope you will appreciate that these circumstances were beyond our control.

The Executive Committee fully understands the disappointment that some members will feel by this cancellation and considerable efforts have been made to find another suitable location that could accommodate the needs of our society for a three-day Member’s Weekend Meeting. Sadly, I regret to say that in the short time available to us, this has not been possible, mainly due to substantially higher accommodation costs being quoted which we felt would not be acceptable to our members.

However, it has been agreed by the Executive Committee to hold a Member’s Meeting at the Royal Philatelic Society London (the Royal) on Saturday, 20th April 2024, at which Nick Stuart, C.I.S.S. Auctioneer, has kindly agreed to run the next general auction, which would have been held at Salisbury if that meeting had gone ahead, as a postal and room auction at which there will be at least 600 lots, so I encourage you to attend in person. Of course, for those of you who cannot make it to the Royal, you will still be able to submit your bids by post. Full details on the auction will be sent out by the Auctioneer in due course. I can confirm that I have already booked a room at the Royal to accommodate us and I hope to see as many of you there as possible.

I hope to provide you with a full programme for the day, including start and finish times closer to the date of the meeting via the C.I.S.S. website at www.ciss.uk or via a Mailchimp message so please keep a close look out for further updates.


Richard Flemming


Channel Islands Specialist’s Society


Due to circumstances beyond the control of the C.I.S.S., it is with great regret I have to inform you that the Member’s Weekend Meeting due to be held at the Milford Hall Hotel, Salisbury on the above dates IS CANCELLED!!.
The C.I.S.S. was reassured by the hotel that the current hotel refurbishment would be completed by the end of February 2024. I have just been informed that the work will now not be completed before the end April/early May 2024. and because of Health and Safety regulations the hotel cannot accept bookings, including ours.
If I receive any further information I will contact you as soon as possible.
Richard Flemming